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62 % of Denmark´s area consists of agriculture, that is the same as 2, 65 Mio. hectares.

In Denmark there are over half a million cows, and 66.000 of them are ecological. In Denmark we support environmentally friendly farming, and it is a part of our culture to protect our nature. We have a whole day called Eco-day where you can experience how the ecological system works; this event takes place in April every year, and it is all free. 

Every spring the cows are let out on grass after a long cold winter in the stables. When you experience this, it is like a dance show on its own. Many people gather around the field where the cows “dance”, and parents bring their children and it is a day for the whole family and people of all ages.


You might think, “OMG, cows dancing”, but imagine animals acting just as crazy as we do when we go on vacation.  You can compare it with a sort of cow Harlem Shake. On this Eco-day the farmers expect that a couple of thousand people will show up and take part in this event.


This is a very special thing to experience compared to so much else, because it is so different, but it is definitely something you will remember for the rest of your life. When you stand there and watch the cows run out of their stables, the smells of the countryside and rural environment hits you with the feeling of happiness and joy. A smile will appear on your face, and you will start laughing. You will kind of get the feeling of fellowship, of belonging, because of all the different ages that are in the crowd. If you want memories you can talk about when you get home, a memory that you can´t experience anywhere else than Denmark, this would be a great opportunity to get that kind of memory. ‘


This is not just something we say, we actually go there ourselves every year, and we can´t help but get back to our usual lives with a big silly grin on our faces. So if you are feeling down, go dance with the cows. We promise you that you won´t regret it. 

The Dancing Cows of Denmark

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